Εικόνα Πτυχιακή Εργασία

The students of the Department of Food Science & Technology (ETT) are required to prepare a Degree Thesis.

The Degree Thesis is typically prepared during the tenth semester of studies and requires the substantial employment of the student for at least one normal semester of studies, i.e. its preparation time is at least one academic semester. This work has a distinct subject of specialization, is scientific and can be either research, including performing experiments in laboratory or outdoor areas of the institution, or even in areas of other organizations, or a thorough bibliographic review of the Department’s academic subjects. The final grade of the Degree Thesis contributes to the formation of the final grade of the degree. It is equivalent to five (5) semester courses and provides twenty-five (25) teaching units with a weighting factor of 10 (5×2).

The Degree Thesis is divided into 5 individual components.

More specifically, it is equivalent to five (5) interconnected Degree Thesis of 6 credits and 5 teaching units each, which, however, are composed in an unbroken whole and provide a total of twenty-five (25) teaching units with a weighting factor of 10 (5 X 2) and a total number of ECTS=30.

These five individual theses are:

  1. FST_1001: DEGREE I: Feasibility-Theoretical framework,

  2. FST_1002: DEGREE II Bibliographic review,

  3. FST_1003: GRADUATE III Methodology-Experimental or computational preparation and organization,

  4. FST_1004: DEGREE IV Measurements-Results,

  5. FST_1005: GRADUATE V Discussion – Conclusions.

The Degree Thesis is considered closed when, after the approval of the supervisor, the final form is sent electronically to the members of the three-member committee and to the Secretariat.

The examination of the Degree Thesis takes place only after the student has successfully fulfilled all the examination obligations of the study program. The examination is held in public by the three-member advisory and examination committee, chaired by the supervising Professor, at a time determined by the committee. During the examination, the student develops his work orally and answers questions from the committee members. Each member of the committee scores separately and the final grade of the degree study results from the average of the grades of the three examiners. The study is deemed successful if the final grade is greater than or equal to five (5) and the grades of at least two examiners are greater than or equal to five (5). In case of failure, the student is submitted to a second examination, after completing and correcting his study according to the instructions of the committee. In the event of a new failure, the student is obliged to prepare another Degree Thesis with the same or a different subject.


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pdf FST_1000 Thesis