Ευάγγελος Ψωμάς, Καθηγητής,
Γνωστικό Αντικείμενο: Διοίκηση Ολικής Ποιότητας
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Ακαδημαϊκοί Τίτλοι
- Γεωπονικό Πανεπιστήμιο Αθηνών – Τμήμα Εγγείων Βελτιώσεων και Γεωργικής Μηχανικής
- Ελληνικό Ανοικτό Πανεπιστήμιο – Σχολή Θετικών Επιστημών και Τεχνολογίας – Μεταπτυχιακό Πρόγραμμα Σπουδών: Διασφάλιση Ποιότητας
- Πανεπιστήμιο Ιωαννίνων – Σχολή Διαχείρισης Φυσικών Πόρων και Επιχειρήσεων – Τμήμα Διοίκησης Επιχειρήσεων Αγροτικών Προϊόντων και Τροφίμων – Διδακτορική Διατριβή: «Διοίκηση Ολικής Ποιότητας – Προσδιοριστικοί Παράγοντες και Αποτελέσματα στις Ελληνικές Επιχειρήσεις».
Ερευνητικά Ενδιαφέροντα
- Διοίκηση Ολική Ποιότητας
- Συστήματα Διαχείρισης Ποιότητας
- Συστήματα Διαχείρισης Ασφάλειας Τροφίμων
- Συστήματα Περιβαλλοντικής Διαχείρισης
- Εργαλεία και Τεχνικές Βελτίωσης Ποιότητας
- Διαχείριση Ανθρώπινων Πόρων
- Μάρκετινγκ Αγροτικών Προϊόντων και Τροφίμων
Διεθνή Περιοδικά
- Psomas, E. and Fotopoulos, C. (2009), “A meta analysis of ISO 9001:2000 research – findings and future research proposals”, International Journal of Quality and Services Sciences, Vol. 1 No. 2, pp. 128-144.
- Fotopoulos, C. and Psomas, E. (2009), “The impact of soft and hard TQM elements on quality management results”, International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, Vol. 26 No. 2, pp. 150-163.
- Fotopoulos, C. and Psomas, E. (2009), “The use of quality management tools and techniques in ISO 9001:2000 certified companies: the Greek case”, International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, Vol. 58 No. 6, pp 564-580.
- Fotopoulos, C., Kafetzopoulos, D. and Psomas E. (2009), “Assessing the critical factors and their impact on the effective implementation of a food safety management system”, International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, Vol. 26 No. 9, pp. 894-910.
- Fotopoulos, C., Psomas, E. and Vouzas, F. (2010), “ISO 9001:2000 Implementation in the Greek Food Sector”, The TQM Journal, Vol. 22 No. 2, pp. 129-142.
- Fotopoulos, C., Psomas E. and Vouzas, F. (2010), “Investigating total quality management practices’ inter-relationships in ISO 9001:2000 certified organizations”, Total Quality Management and Business Excellence, Vol. 21 No. 5, pp. 503-515.
- Fotopoulos, C. and Psomas, E. (2010), “The structural relationships between TQM factors and organizational performance”, The TQM Journal, Vol. 22 No. 5, pp. 539-552, Chosen as a Highly Commended Award Winner at the Literati Network Awards for Excellence 2011.
- Psomas, E. and Fotopoulos, C. (2010), “Total quality management practices and results in food companies”, International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, Vol. 59 No. 7, pp. 668-687.
- Psomas, E., Fotopoulos, C. and Kafetzopoulos, D. (2010), “Critical Factors for Effective Implementation of ISO 9001 in SME Service Companies”, Managing Service Quality, Vol. 20 No. 5, pp. 440-457.
- Psomas, E., Fotopoulos, C. and Kafetzopoulos, D. (2011), “Motives, difficulties and benefits in implementing the ISO 14001 Environmental Management System”, Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal, Vol. 22 No. 4, pp. 502-521.
- Psomas, E., Fotopoulos, C. and Kafetzopoulos, D. (2011), “Core Process Management Practices, Quality Tools and Quality Improvement”, Business Process Management Journal, Vol. 17 No. 3, pp. 437-460.
- Psomas, E., Kafetzopoulos, D. and Fotopoulos, C. (2013), “Developing and validating a measurement instrument of ISO 9001 effectiveness in food manufacturing SMEs”, Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, Vol. 24 No. 1, pp. 52-77.
- Kafetzopoulos, D., Gotzamani K. and Psomas, E. (2013), “Quality Systems and Competitive Performance of Food Companies”, Benchmarking: An International Journal, Vol. 20 No. 4, pp. 463-483.
- Psomas, E., Pantouvakis A. and Kafetzopoulos, D. (2013), “The impact of ISO 9001 effectiveness on the performance of service companies”, Managing Service Quality Journal, Vol. 23 No. 2, pp. 149-164.
- Psomas, E. (2013), “The effectiveness of the ISO 9001 Quality Management System in service companies”, Total Quality Management and Business Excellence, Vol. 24 No. 7-8, pp. 769-781.
- Kafetzopoulos, D., Psomas, E., Kafetzopoulos, P. (2013), “Measuring the effectiveness of the HACCP Food Safety Management System”, Food Control, Vol. 33 No. 2, pp. 505-513.
- Kafetzopoulos, D., Gotzamani K. and Psomas, E. (2014), “The impact of employees’ attributes on the quality of food products”, International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, Vol. 31 No. 5 pp. 500-521.
- Psomas, E., Vouzas, F. and Kafetzopoulos, D. (2014), “Quality management benefits through the “soft” and “hard” aspect of TQM in food companies”, The TQM Journal, Vol. 26 No. 5, pp. 431-444. Chosen as a Highly Commended Award Winner at the Literati Network Awards for Excellence 2015.
- Psomas, E. and Kafetzopoulos, D. (2014), “Performance measures of ISO 9001 certified and non-certified manufacturing companies”, Benchmarking: an International Journal, Vol. 21 No 5, pp. 756-774.
- Psomas, E. and Kafetzopoulos, D. (2014), “The innovation practices of manufacturing companies in a period of economic turbulence: the Greek case”, Total Quality Management and Business Excellence, Vol. 25 No. 7-8, pp. 720-733.
- Psomas, E. and Kafetzopoulos, D. (2015), “HACCP Effectiveness Between ISO 22000 Certified and non-Certified Dairy Companies”, Food Control, Vol. 53, pp. 134-139.
- Kafetzopoulos, D., Psomas, E. And Gotzamani K. (2015), “The impact of quality management systems on the performance of manufacturing firms”, International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, Vol. 32 No. 4, pp. 381-399.
- Psomas, E. And Antony, J. (2015), “The effectiveness of the ISO 9001 Quality Management System and its influential critical factors in Greek manufacturing companies”, International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 53 No.7, pp. 2089-2009.
- Psomas, E. and Pantouvakis A. (2015), “ISO 9001 Overall Performance Dimensions: An exploratory study” The TQM Journal, Vol. 27 No. 5, pp. 519-531.
- Jaca C. & Psomas, E. (2015), “Total Quality Management practices and performance outcomes in Spanish service companies”, Total Quality Management and Business Excellence, Vol. 26 No. 9, pp. 958-970.
- Kafetzopoulos, D. and Psomas, E. (2015), “Organizational learning, non-technical innovation and customer satisfaction of SMEs”, International Journal of Innovation Management, Vol 20 No. 3, pp. 1650041-1-28.
- Kafetzopoulos, D. and Psomas, E. (2016), “The impact of innovation capability on manufacturing firm performance”, Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, Vol. 26 No. 1, pp. 104-130.
- Psomas, E. and Jaca C. (2016), “The impact of total quality management on service company performance: evidence from Spain”, International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, Vol. 33 No. 3, pp.380-398.
- Pantouvakis A. and Psomas, E. (2016), “Exploring Total Quality Management Applications under uncertainty: A research agenda for the shipping industry”, Maritime Economics & Logistics, Vol. 18, pp. 496–512, https://doi:10.1057/mel.2015.6.
- Psomas, E. (2016), “The underlying factorial structure and significance of the Six Sigma difficulties and critical success factors. The Greek case”, The TQM Journal, Vol. 28 No. 4, pp. 530-546.
- Bouranta, N., Psomas, E. and Pantouvakis A. (2017), “Identifying the critical determinants of TQM and their impact on company performance: Evidence from the hotel industry of Greece”, The TQM Journal, Vol. 29 No. 1, pp. 147-166.
- Bouranta, N. and Psomas, E. (2017), “A comparative analysis of competitive priorities and business performance between manufacturing and service firms”, International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, Vol. 66 No. 7, pp. 914-931.
- Psomas, E. and Antony, J. (2017), “Total Quality Management elements and results in Higher Education Institutions. The Greek case”, Quality Assurance in Education, Vol. 25 No. 2, pp. 206-223.
- Psomas, E., Vouzas, F., Bouranta, N. and Tasiou M. (2017), “Effects of Total Quality Management in local authorities”, International Journal of Quality and Services Sciences, Vol. 9 No. 1, pp.41-46.
- Koutsothanassi, E., Bouranta, N. and Psomas, E. (2017), “Examining the relationships among service features, customer loyalty and switching barriers in the Greek banking sector”, International Journal of Quality and Services Sciences, Vol. 9 No. 3-4, pp. 425-440.
- Psomas, E., Antony, J. and Bouranta, N. (2018), “Assessing Lean adoption in food SMEs. Evidence from Greece”, International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, Vol. 35 No.1, pp. 64-81.
- Psomas, E., Kafetzopoulos, D. and Gotzamani, K. (2018), “Determinants of company innovation and market performance”, The TQM Journal, Vol. 30 No. 1, pp. 54-73.
- Jaca, C., Prieto-Sandoval, V., Psomas, E. and Ormazabal, M. (2018), “What should consumer organizations do to drive environmental sustainability”, Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 181, pp. 201-208.
- Casolani, N., Liberatore, L. and Psomas, E. (2018), “Implementation of Food Safety Management System with ISO 22000: a response from Italian Companies”, Quality – access to success, Vol. 19 No. 165, pp. 125-131.
- Psomas, E., Dimitrantzou, Cr., Vouzas, F. and Bouranta, N. (2018), “Cost of quality measurement in food manufacturing companies. The Greek case”, International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, Vol. 67 No. 9, pp. 1882-1900.
- Bouranta, N., Psomas E., Suarez, M.F. and Jaca C. (2019), “The key factors of Total Quality Management in the service sector. A cross cultural study”, Benchmarking: An International Journal, Vol. 26 No. 3, pp. 893-921.
- Bouranta, N., Psomas E., Vouzas, F. (2019), “The effect of service recovery on buying intention. The role of perceived food safety”, International Journal of Quality and Services Sciences, Vol. 11 No. 1, pp. 69-86.
- Psomas E. and Antony J. (2019), “Research gaps in Lean manufacturing. A systematic literature review”, International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, Vol. 36 No5, pp. 815-839.
- Karakasnaki, M., Psomas, E. and Bouranta N. (2019), “The interrelationships among organizational culture and service quality under different levels of competitive intensity: an application in the shipping industry”, International Journal of Quality and Services Sciences, Vol. 11 No. 2, pp. 217-234.
- Psomas E. (2020), “The originality of the Lean manufacturing studies. A systematic literature review”, International Journal of Lean Six Sigma, Vol. 11 No. 2, pp. 254-284.
- Kafetzopoulos, D., Psomas, E. and Skalkos, D. (2020), “Innovation dimensions and business performance under environmental uncertainty”, European Journal of Innovation Management, Vol. 23 No. 5, pp. 856-876.
- Dimitrantzou Cr. and Psomas, E. and Vouzas F. (2020), “Future research avenues of Cost of Quality. A systematic literature review”, The TQM Journal, Vol. 32 No. 6, pp. 1599-1622.
- Psomas E., Bouranta, N., Koemtzi M. and Keramida E. (2020), “Determining the impact of service quality on citizens’ satisfaction and the role of citizens’ demographics. The case of the Greek Citizen’s Service Centers”, The TQM Journal, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.
- Bouranta, N., Psomas E., Antony J. (2020), “Findings of Quality Management Studies in Primary and Secondary Education. A Systematic Literature Review”, The TQM Journal, Vol. 33 No. 3, pp. 729-769.
- Psomas E. (2021), “Future Research Methodologies of Lean Manufacturing. A Systematic Literature Review”, International Journal of Lean Six Sigma, Vol. 12 No. 6, pp. 1146-1183.
- Kafetzopoulos, D., Psomas, E. and Kafetzopoulos, P., (2021), “Strategic management of ambidexterity: A systematic literature review”, International Journal of Business & Management Studies, Vol. 2 No. 4, pp. 26-42. 1620554457.pdf (
- Antony J., Psomas E., Garza-Reyes, J.A. and Hines, P. (2021), “Practical implications and future research agenda of Lean manufacturing”. A systematic literature review”, Production Planning and Control, Vol. 32 No. 11, pp. 889-925.
- Psomas, E., Dimitrantzou Cr. and and Vouzas F. (2022), “Practical implications of cost of quality. A systematic literature review”. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, Vol. 71 No. 8, pp. 3581-3605.
- Bouranta, N., Psomas E. and Antony J. (2022), “Human factors involved in Lean Management A Systematic Literature Review”, Total Quality Management and Business Excellence, Vol. 33 No. 9-10, pp. 1113-1145.
- Psomas E. (2022), “Country-related future research agenda of Lean Manufacturing. A systematic literature review”, Benchmarking. An International Journal, Vol. 29 No. 4, pp.1185-1213.
- Dimitrantzou Cr., Psomas E., Bouranta N. and Kafetzopoulos, D. (2022), “The role of Organizational Culture in Total Quality Management adoption and Cost of Quality”, Total Quality Management and Business Excellence, Vol. 33 No. 15-16, pp. 1718-1736.
- Psomas E. and Keramida E. and Bouranta N. (2022), “Practical Implications of Lean, Six Sigma and Lean Six Sigma in the public administration. A Systematic Literature Review”, International Journal of Lean Six Sigma, Vol. 13 No. 6, pp. 1277-1307.
- Kafetzopoulos, D., Psomas E., and Bouranta N. (2022), “The influence of leadership on strategic flexibility and business performance: The mediating role of talent management”, Management Decision, Vol. 60 No. 9, pp. 2532-2551.
- Bouranta, N., Psomas E., Casolani, N., Jaca C., and Liberatore L. (2022), “Consumers’ Food Safety Perceptions in Three Mediterranean Countries”, New Medit Journal, Vol. 21 No. 4, https://doi.10.30682/nm2204f.
- Keramida E., Psomas E. and Antony, J. (2022), “Critical success factors of Lean in the public services sector: The case of the Greek citizen’s service centers”, The TQM Journal, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.
- Koemtzi M., Psomas E., Antony, J. and Tortorella G. (2023), “Lean Manufacturing and Human Resources: A Systematic Literature Review on future research suggestions”, Total Quality Management and Business Excellence, Vol. 34 No. 3-4, pp. 468-495.
- Kafetzopoulos, P., Psomas, E. and Kafetzopoulos, D., (2023), “An SLR of Firm Ambidexterity: Organizing a Future Research Path Forward”, Journal of Management Development, Vol. 42 No. 3, pp. 183-200.
- Psomas E. and Keramida E., Bouranta N. and Kafetzopoulos D. (2023), “The adoption of Lean in the Greek public sector. An employee perspective”, International Journal of Lean Six Sigma, Vol. 14 No. 7, pp. 1518-1543
- Keramida E., Psomas E. and Gotzamani, K. (2023), “The impact of Lean adoption on organizational performance in a public service: The case of the Greek citizen’s service centers”, International Journal of Lean Six Sigma, Vol. 14 No. 7, pp. 1544-1565
- Kafetzopoulos, P., Psomas, E. and Katou A. (2023), “Promoting strategic flexibility and business performance through organizational ambidexterity”, Sustainability, Vol. 15, 12997.
- Dimitrantzou Cr. Psomas, E. And Vouzas F. (2023), “The influence of competitive strategy and organizational structure on the cost of quality in food and beverage (F&B) companies”, The TQM Journal, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.
- Kafetzopoulos, P., and Psomas, E. (2023), “Investigating the factors that influence the ambidexterity of agricultural companies”, International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Management and Informatics, Vol. …. No. …. (Accepted for publication).
- Dimitrantzou Cr. Psomas, E. And Vouzas F. (2023), “Determining the influence of factors on Cost of Quality and its effects on the food company performance” International Journal of Business Excellence, Vol. …. No. …. (Accepted for publication).
- Psomas E. and Deliou C. (2023), “Lean Manufacturing practices and Industry 4.0 technologies in food manufacturing companies. The Greek case”, International Journal of Lean Six Sigma, Vol. …. No. …. (Accepted for publication) DOI: 10.1108/IJLSS-06-2023-0098.
Διεθνή Συνέδρια
- Kafetzopoulos, D., Psomas, E. and Fotopoulos, C. (2011), “The effectiveness of food safety and quality management systems and their impact on food unique companies performance. The case of the Greek dairy companies”, The 1st FoodUnique Seminar – Defining food Identity, Copenhagen, 5-6 May, 2011.
- Psomas, E., Kafetzopoulos, D. and Fotopoulos, C. (2011), “Determining ISO 9001 effectiveness and the influential critical factors in manufacturing companies”, The 14th QMOD, International Conference on Quality and Service Sciences, San Sebastian, Spain, 29 – 31 August, 2011.
- Psomas, E. (2012), “Total Quality Management in the pursue of Business Excellence”, 2nd International Forum on Shipping Marketing & Management, Posidonia, Athens, 8 June 2012.
- Psomas, E. (2012), “ISO 9001 effectiveness and service company performance”, The 15th QMOD, International Conference on Quality and Service Sciences, Poznan, Poland, 5-7 September, 2012.
- Psomas, E. and Kafetzopoulos, D. (2013), “The innovation practices of manufacturing companies in a period of economic turbulence”, The 16th QMOD, International Conference on Quality and Service Sciences, Portoroz, Slovenia, 4-6 September, 2013.
- Pantouvakis A., Psomas E., Patsiouras Ch. and Zamira Burgos S. (2014), “Confirming total quality management principles in shipping: initiating the research agenda”, EurOMA 2014 Conference, Palermo, 20-25 June, 2014.
- Psomas, E. (2014), “Six Sigma in the services sector. Literature gap and future research avenues”, The 17th QMOD, International Conference on Quality and Service Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic, 3-5 September, 2014.
- Jaca C. & Psomas, E. (2014), “Total Quality Management practices and performance outcomes in Spanish service companies”, The 17th QMOD, International Conference on Quality and Service Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic, 3-5 September, 2014.
- Psomas, E. (2015), “Total Quality Management in Higher Education Institutions. Evidence from Greece.”, Third International Conference on Lean Six Sigma for Higher Education, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, 8-9 June, 2015.
- Psomas, E., Kafetzopoulos, D. and Gotzamani, K. (2015), “The impact of leadership and process management on company innovation and market performance”, 15th Annual Conference of European Academy of Management, Warsaw, Poland, 17-20 June 2015.
- Psomas, E., Vouzas, F. and Tasiou, M. (2015), “Total Quality Management in local authorities. Evidence from Greece”, 18th International Conference on Quality and Service Sciences, Seoul, Korea, 12-14 October, 2015.
- Bouranta, N. and Psomas, E. and Pantouvakis, A. (2015), “TQM factors and performance outcomes in the hotel industry. Evidence from Greece”, 59th EOQ Congress, Athens, 11-12 June, 2015.
- Psomas, E. (2016), “Assessing Lean adoption in food SMEs. Evidence from Greece”, Sixth International Conference on Lean Six Sigma, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, 30-31 May, 2016.
- Psomas, E., Tasiou, M. and Vouzas, F. (2016), “Assessing Lean adoption in public service organizations. Evidence from Greece”, 19th International Conference on Quality and Service Sciences, Rome, Italy, 21-23 September, 2016.
- Kafetzopoulos, D., Gotzamani, K. and Psomas, E. (2016), “A Conceptual Framework of Quality Management, Innovation and Business Performance”, 19th International Conference on Quality and Service Sciences, Rome, Italy, 21-23 September, 2016.
- Koutsothanassi, E., Bouranta, N. and Psomas, E. (2016), “The relationship between Service Features and Customer Loyalty in the Greek Banking Sector”, 19th International Conference on Quality and Service Sciences, Rome, Italy, 21-23 September, 2016.
- Psomas, E., Dimitrantzou, C., Vouzas, F. and Bouranta, N. (2017), “Cost of quality in food manufacturing sector. Evidence from Greece”, 20th International Conference on Quality and Service Sciences, Elsinore, Denmark, 5-7 August, 2017.
- Psomas E. and Antony J. (2018), “How lean are public service organizations in the middle of the financial crisis? The Greek case”, Seventh International Conference on Lean Six Sigma, Dubai, UAE, 7-8 May, 2018.
- Dimitrantzou, C., Psomas, E., Bouranta, N. and Vouzas, F. (2018), “The role of Organizational Culture in TQM adoption and Cost of Quality”, 21th International Conference on Quality and Service Sciences, Cardiff, UK, 22-24 August, 2018.
- Psomas, E., Vlachopoulou, P. and Antony, J. (2019), “Future research agenda of Quality Management in Primary and Secondary Education. A systematic literature review”, Fifth International Conference on Lean Six Sigma for Higher Education, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, 24-25 June, 2019.
- Bouranta, N., Psomas, E. and Vouzas, F. (2019), “Findings of the Quality Management studies in primary and secondary education. A Systematic Literature Review”, 22th International Conference on Quality and Service Sciences, Krakow, Poland, 13-15 October 2019.
- Psomas, E., Ntekoume, V. and Papadakis, I. (2019), “Future research agenda of Management System Auditing. A systematic literature review”, 22th International Conference on Quality and Service Sciences, Krakow, Poland, 13-15 October 2019.
- Psomas, E., Keramida, E., Bouranta N. and Koemtzi, M. (2019), “Investigating service quality in Greek Citizen’s Service Centers”, 22th International Conference on Excellence in Services”, Thessaloniki, Greece, 29-30 August 2019 (selected as one of the best papers presented at the Conference).
- Psomas, E., Keramida, E., and Antony, J. (2021), “Key themes of practical implications of Lean, Six Sigma and Lean Six Sigma in the public administration sector. A Systematic Literature Review”, Eighth International Conference on Lean Six Sigma, Virtual Conference, 22-23 June, 2021.
- Xenikou, M.F., Tserkezoglou, A., Dionisi, M., Fragkaki A. and Psomas, E. (2022), “Cost of Quality in Palliative Care Centers: Development of a questionnaire and its implementation in a Palliative Care center”, 12th World Research Congress of the European Association for Palliative Care, Virtual 18-20 May 2022.
- Psomas, E. and Antony, J. (2022), “Total Quality Management, innovation, and online teaching and learning practices in primary and secondary schools during the Covid-19 pandemic. The Greek case”, 6th International Conference on Lean Six Sigma in Higher Education, Abu Dhabi, UAE, 14-15 November 2022.
- Bouranta, N., Psomas, E. and, Syntychaki, A. (2022), “Service Quality, Student Satisfaction, and Behavioral Intentions in a Higher-Education Context”, 6th International Conference on Lean Six Sigma in Higher Education, Abu Dhabi, UAE, 14-15 November 2022.
- Psomas, E. and Deliou C. (2023), “Lean Manufacturing practices and Industry 4.0 technologies in Greek food companies”, Leading and Managing in the Digital Era: Shaping the Future of Work and Business Education, Athens, Greece, 19-23 June, 2023.
- Kafetzopoulos, P., Psomas, E., Kafetzopoulos D. and Madentzoglou, S. (2023), “Understanding ambidexterity from Industry 4.0 capabilities perspective”, EurOMA Conference, Leuven, Belgium, 3-5 July 2023.
- Vouzas F., Keramida, E., and Psomas, E. (2023), “The influence of Lean adoption on operational performance in the Greek citizen’s service centers”, 26th Excellence in Services International Conference, Glasgow, Scotland, 31 August – 1 September 2023.
- Gkoloni, N., Psomas, E. and, Antony, J. (2023), “Practical implications of the integration of Lean, Green, and Industry 4.0: a systematic literature review”, 9th International Conference on Lean Six Sigma, Newcastle, UK, 13-14 November 2023.