Ourania Katsara

Ουρανία Κατσάρα, Ε.Ε.Π. (Ειδικό Εκπαιδευτικό Προσωπικό),

Γνωστικό Αντικείμενο: Αγγλικά,

  • Email: ,
  • Τηλέφωνο: +30 26410 74134
  • Γραφείο: 2.10

Ακαδημαϊκοί Τίτλοι

  • Πτυχιούχος Αγγλικής Γλώσσας & Αγγλικής και Ευρωπαικής Λογοτεχνίας του University of Essex, UK [BA (Hons) English Language and English and European Literature, (1996)].
  • Μεταπτυχιακός τίτλος από το University of Essex, UK στην Εφαρμοσμένη γλωσσολογία [(MA in Applied Linguistics, (1997)].
  • Διδακτορικό δίπλωμα από το University of Brighton, UK [PhD in International Education. Dissertation Title: Greek Students in UK Universities:  A Support Strategy; supported by a small grant from the UK Council for International Student Affairs (UKCISA) [formerly United Kingdom Council for Overseas Student Affairs (UKCOSA)].

Ερευνητικά Ενδιαφέροντα

  • English for General and Specific Academic purposes
  • International education
  • Intercultural communication
  • Culturally responsive pedagogy
  • Student mobility



  1. Katsara, R.  (2008).  Comprehension and Vocabulary Building of the English We Read and Use Every Day.  Athens: Ion Publications.
  2. Katsara, R. (2016) Celestine’s Magic Stick (children’s book), available online at: https://www.storystar.com/

Book editing

  1. Γκιούρης, Θ. Β., Καραγκούνη, Κλεονίκη- Κέλλυ. Δ., Κατσάρα, Ο. Α., Λότσαρη- Γρούμπου, Α. Β., Παπαϊωάννου, Ε. Γ., Τσελίγκα, Θ. Α., Λότσαρη- Γρούμπου, Α.Β (επιμέλεια ελληνικής έκδοσης- Edited Greek version) (2019) Αγγλικά των Επιστημών Οικονομίας, Διοίκησης,  Λογιστικής, Χρηματοοικονομικής και Πληροφορικής [Adams, J., Fritzgerald, P., McCullagh. M., McLisky, M., Roberts, M., Scott, R., Tabor, C. (2019). English for Economics, Management, Accounting, Finance and ICT. Cyprus: Broken Hill Publishers, Ltd]
  2. Γκιούρης, Θ. Β., Kαπράλου, Β. Ι., Κατσάρα, Ο. Α, Λότσαρη- Γρούμπου, Α. Β., Χρυσογιάννη, Ε. Δ. (επιμέλεια ελληνικής έκδοσης- Edited Greek version) (2019) Αγγλικά των Επιστημών Διοίκησης, Οικονομίας και Τουρισμού [Corballis, T., Jennings, W., McLisky, M. (2019) English for Management, Economics and Tourism. Cyprus: Broken Hill Publishers, Ltd].
  3. Katsara, O., Athanasopoulou, K. (Eds.) (2020). Καινοτομία στην Εκπαίδευση στο σχολείο και στο Πανεπιστήμιο [ Innovation in education at school and at university]. Patras: University of Patras Press

Book Chapters

  1. Katsara, O. (2023) Using Hymes’ S.P.E.A.K.I.N.G model as a tool to teach intercultural competence and communication: Cultural identity and communication in Alexandria, Egypt. In R. Y. Chan and K. Bista (Eds). Rethinking Hybrid and Remote Work in Higher Education: Global Perspectives, Policies and Practices after COVID-19. (pp. 281-303). Palgrave Macmillan: Cham http://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-36632-1­­_14
  2. Katsara, (2023). The Value of Cultural Diversity as a Language Curriculum Resource for Promoting Internationalization at Home. In J. Branch & M. Durnali (Eds.), Global Perspectives on the Internationalization of Higher Education (pp. 93-108). IGI Global: Hershey, PA http://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-6684-5929-4.ch006
  3. Katsara, O. (2021) Insights from an ERASMUS teaching program on Academic Writing: The French case. In: Escobar, L., Ibáñez Moreno, A. (eds.) Mediating Specialized Knowledge and L2 Abilities (pp. 251-274). Palgrave Macmillan: Cham
  4. Katsara, O. (2020). How Adult are Greek University Students in an English-for Specific-Academic-Purposes Class? A Case Study. In Tennefeld, T. (Ed.) with the collaboration of East, M. and Kresta, R. The Magic of Language Productivity in Linguistics and Language Teaching (pp. 175-197). htw saar (SLLM, Vol. 11): Saarbrucken, Germany
  5. Katsara, O. (2020). Towards building intercultural competence for Greek and International Erasmus students. In Gaulee, U., Sharma, S., Bista, K. (Eds.). Rethinking Education Across Borders: Emerging issues and critical insights in globally mobile students (pp. 289-301). Springer: Singapore
  6. Katsara, O. (2016). Internationalization of Curriculum for Italian and International Postgraduate Students. In Bista, K., and C. Foster (Eds.) Campus Support Services, Programs, and Policies for International Students (pp. 209222). IGI Global: Hershey, PA.

 Peer-Reviewed Articles in Academic Journals·

  1. Katsara, O. (2023) Reconceptualizing pedagogy within the context of an Internationalized Problem-based Learning Approach. Journal of Comparative & International Higher Education, 15(1), 111-129
  2. Katsara, O. (2021) Reaffirming the teacher role within the context of culturally responsive pedagogy: A case study and relevant issues, International Arab Journal of English for Specific Purposes, 4 (1), 66-84
  3. Katsara, O. and De Witte, K. (2019). How to use Socratic questioning in order to promote adults’ self-directed learning, Studies in the Education of Adults, 51(1), 109-129
  4. Katsara, O. (2018) Implementing tutorials within the context of an English for General Academic Purposes course in University of Patras: A preliminary study, Research Papers in Language Teaching and Learning, 9(1), 133-148.
  5. Katsara, O. (2016). The use of linguistics in indicating the influence of political power in shaping politicians’ behavior: The case of Demetrios D. Bousdras. The Linguistics Journal, 1, 203-226.
  6. Katsara, O. (2015).  The use of ombudsman’s services for alleviating international students’ difficulties.  Journal of International Students, 5(3), 260-270.
  7. Katsara, O. (2014).  The need to investigate the Greek cultural perspective within the teaching practice of an ESAP class.  Asian ESP Journal, 10(2), Article 5, 88-113.
  8. Katsara, O. (2008).  The use of Focus Group Interviews in order to define students’ views of the ESP course. English for Specific Purposes World Journal, Issue 2(18), vol 7, 1-14
  9. Katsara, O. (2008).  Aspects of motivation within the context of an ESP course.  English for Specific Purposes World Journal, Issue 3(19), vol.7,1-26.
  10. Katsara, R. (2004).  The need to investigate Greek students’ experiences in British universities: the use of ethnography in the identification of such a need. International Educational Journal, 5(1), 79-89
  11. Gil, M.C., and Katsara, R. (1999).  The experiences of Spanish and Greek students in adapting to UK higher education: the creation of new support strategies. Education Line (electronic journal found in:   http://www.leeds.ac.uk/educol)

Peer-Reviewed Articles in Proceedings

  1. Katsara, O and De Witte, K. (2020). The need to investigate the pedagogical dimension of specific learning settings within the context of internationalisation: A literature review. In EEPEK (Eds.) Proceedings for the 5th International Conference for the Promotion of Educational Innovation. (2, pp. 632-641). University of Thessaly, Larissa: Greece
  2. Katsara, O. (2018) The first part of an investigation of Greek students’ use of study skills within the learning context of an English for Specific Academic Purposes Course. In West East Institute (Eds.). Proceedings for International Academic Conference on Education & Humanities and Social Sciences (pp.131-156), University of Vienna, Vienna: Austria.
  3. Katsara, O.  (2016).  The role of the Greek tutor in tutorial sessions within an English for Specific Purposes context: An expert or a facilitator? In Rizomilioti, V. and V. Deli (Eds.). Proceedings for English for Academic Purposes: Teaching Practices and Challenges (pp.38-49), Foreign Languages Unit, University of Patras, Patras: Greece
  4. Katsara, O.  (2010).  The Development of a Web Site for Preparing Greek Students for an ESP Course.  In Panourgia, E., T. Dalpanagioti, F. Perdiki, and M. Zafiri (Eds.).  Proceedings of the 2nd ESP/EAP Conference: ESP/EAP Innovations in Tertiary Settings: Proposals and Implementations (pp.188-198), Kavala Institute of Technology, Kavala: Greece
  5. Hill, B., and Katsara, R.  (2001).  The role of electronic media in enhancing support strategies for overseas students.  UKCOSA Periodical, World Views, Issue 5, Spring.


  1. Katsara, O. (2023). Exploring culturally responsive pedagogy in English for Specific Purposes teaching: A case study in a Greek context. Star Global Conference 2023 UVigo UNESCO Chair, ‘Transformative Education for an Interconnected and Equitable World’. University of Vigo, Vigo, Spain, 9-10 October (Hybrid)
  2. Katsara, O. (2023). Greek university students’ intercultural sensitivity profile: A case study. FIPLV/NBR Conference, ‘Future of Languages’, University of Iceland, Veröld –House of Vigdís, Reykjavík, Iceland, 8-9 June 2023
  3. Katsara, O. (2022). Using Hymes’ S.P.E.A.K.I.N.G model as a tool to deconstruct the cultural identity of diaspora: The case of the Greek community in Alexandria of Egypt. 6th ESTIDIA (European Society for Transcultural and Interdisciplinary Dialogue) conference ‘Dialogue-shared Experiences across Space and Time: Cross-linguistic and Cross-cultural Practices’, University of Alicante, Alicante, Spain, June 15-17 June
  4. Katsara, O. (2021) Greek university students’ foreign language learning classroom anxiety: A case study. 19th Annual conference of AELFE (Asociación Europea de Lenguas para–Fines Específicos/European Association of Languages for Specific Purposes) and 2nd Conference of the Trans-Atlantic and Pacific Project (TAPP). Multilingual Academic and Professional communication in a networked world, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya-BarcelonaTech, Vilanova i la Geltrú, Barcelona, Spain, July 7-9 (Hybrid)
  5. Katsara, O. (2020). Insights from an ERASMUS teaching program on Academic Writing: The French case. 4th International ESP Teachers Association (IESPTA) ESP Conference. Mediating Specialized knowledge: Current Approaches in ESP Research and Practice, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, Madrid, Spain and IESPTA, October 29-30 (Virtual)
  6. Katsara, O.  (2020). Some ideas on using cultural diversity as a language curriculum resource within the context of internationalization at home. 1ST International conference on English for Specific Purposes (ESP), English for Academic Purposes (EAP) & Applied Linguistics (AL), University of Thessaly: Volos, Greece, September 26-27 (Virtual)
  7. Katsara, O. (2019) How Adult are Greek University Students in an English-for Specific-Academic-Purposes Class? A Case Study. 5th Saarbrucken Conference on Foreign Language Teaching. The magic of language: productivity in linguistics and language teaching, Saarland University of Applied Sciences: Saarbrucken, Germany. October 29-31.
  8. Katsara, O and De Witte, K. (2019) The need to investigate the pedagogical dimension of specific learning settings within the context of internationalization: A literature review. 5th International Conference for the Promotion of Educational Innovation, University of Thessaly: Larissa, Greece October 11-13.
  9. Katsara, O. (2018) Introduction to the event’s theme: Innovation in Education (opening speech). One-day event, University of Patras, Agrinio campus, Agrinio, October 6.
  10. Katsara, O. (2018). The first part of an investigation of Greek students’ use of study skills within the learning context of an English for Specific Academic Purposes Course. West East Institute International Academic Conference on Education & Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Vienna: Vienna, Austria, April 17-19.
  11. Katsara, O. (2017). Post method Pedagogy to build intercultural competence: The Greek case. 5th BELTA day Annual Conference: Theory in Practice, Odisee University College: Brussels, Belgium, May 13.
  12. Katsara, O.  (2014).  The Use of Tutorials Within the Context of an EGAP Course in University of Patras.  One-day event: English for Academic Purposes: Teaching Practices and Challenges. University of Patras, Foreign Languages Unit: Patras, Greece, October 18.
  13. Katsara, O.  (2013).  The English Language in Tertiary Education.  European Day of Languages:  The Necessity of Foreign Languages in the 21st Century School, Union of Secondary School of French Teachers, Prefecture of Etoloakarnania: Agrinio, Greece, September 26 (invited speaker).
  14. Katsara, O.  (2012).  Effective Classroom Management Techniques for an EAP Classroom in a Greek University.  SIG Day (Special Interest Group) Event, Drama/Literature Group, ESP/EAP Group, MM/Call Group, and Young Learners Group, IST College, University of Hertfordshire: Athens, Greece, November 4.
  15. Katsara, O. (2012).  The Use of Culturally Responsive Teaching Pedagogy in Order to Activate Quality Procedures in Teaching Greek Students in a University Classroom.  12th Cercles Conference Language Centers:  Going for Gold- Overcoming Hurdles, London School of Economics: London, UK, September 6-8.
  16. Katsara, O.  (2011).  A Rationale for a Culturally-Orientated Approach to Teaching ESAP to Greek Students.  32nd Geras Conference. Hegemony and Singularities:  Orchestrating Language for Specific Purposes, University of Burgundy: Dijon, France, March 17-19.
  17. Katsara, O.  (2010).  The Development of a Web Site for Preparing Greek Students for an ESP Course.   2nd ESP/EAP Conference:  ESP/EAP Innovations in Tertiary Settings: Proposals and Implementations, Kavala Technological Institute: Kavala, Greece, May 21-23.
  18. Katsara, O.  (2009).  The Use of Group Work for Effective ESP Teaching.   30th TESOL Greece International Annual Convention:  Back to the Future: English for All Ages, Hellenic American Union: Athens, Greece, March 14-15.
  19. Katsara, O.  (2000).  The Role of Electronic Media in Enhancing Support Strategies for Overseas Students.  UKCOSA 2000 Annual Conference, Heriot Watt University: Edinburgh, UK, July 9-12.
  20. Gil, M. C, Katsara, O. (1999).  The Experiences of Spanish and Greek Students in Adapting to UK Higher Education: The Creation of New Support Strategies.  British Educational Research Association Annual Conference (BERA), University of Sussex: Brighton, UK, September 1- 5.



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